Practice Stages for Young Singers
Monthly Practice Chart
Integrating practice into your daily schedule is an important part of taking lessons and making progress. Applying concepts used in the lesson and obtaining muscle memory used in technique exercises are important to allow these concepts to stick.
During the course of time that students take lessons, they should be developing practice habits appropriate for their age and level. Below are stages and goals for students taking lessons.
Stage 1: Students are taking lessons but not practicing. Work towards building practice time into the student's schedule and using incentives if necessary.
Stage 2: The student has developed a regular practice routine and runs through repertoire only during this time. The goal for someone at this stage is to aim for the best possible use of that time.
Stage 3: This student has developed a regular practice routine and consistently works on specific tasks or goals.
Stage 4: This student plans out their practice time working on both technical and performance goals. They have specific things to tackle during this practice time.
Continue to work towards specific goals to make the most of your practice time!